Vedic Astrology | Choosing your child’s name

In vedic astrology, each planet is associated with a deity. The following are the list of planets and their deities.

Planet and their respective deities

Sun Fire
Moon Water
Mars Subhramanya
Venus Maha Vishnu
Mercury Indra
Jupiter Sachi Devi
Saturn Brahma



For each horoscope there will be planets which are afflicted. By offering prayers to their respective deities, the affliction of planets would be reduced to greater extent.

Even today, name of the child is selected based on the planet deities. When the child is born, that particular day’s astrological positions are analysed and following information is gathered.

  1. Lord of natal ascendant
  2. Lord of navamsa ascendant

Based on whichever planet is stronger among the two, corresponding deity name is derived. And also, in sanskrit each planet is associated with some letters. While naming the child first lettered would be picked based on the planet.

For example, lets say a child born with Mars as Natal Ascendant lord. Deity for planet mars is Lord Muruga and from the above mentioned table letters would be picked and the child can be named as “Kumara” or “Guha”.

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