Natural Relationship – Contd.

Recommended reading [ 5 mins ] – Natural Relationship of Planets . After reading my previous post, I am sure this question would have popped in your mind – How can planets have different relationship between them back and forth.

Read along to know how this works

In the above mentioned table, when we derived the natural relationship for Mercury, Mars appears to be enemy of Mercury (Row No. 3). However, when we derived natural relationship for Mars, Mercury appears to be neutral to Mars (Row No. 5).

Ever wonder how…?!!

There are multiple things to be observed here. Firstly, we are driving the natural relationship details for each planet using the respective Moolatrikona . This clearly explains the fact – when we are finding the relationship it is just the perspective from one side and not from the other.

There are different instances in life when people just throw hatred at us. I’m sure you’d have experienced this at some point in your life too. At times like those, we must ignore such people and move on with our lives. Similarly, natural relationship is more like the opinion from one side and not the other.

Which brings us to the fact that, in case of Natural Relationship, even though Mercury is enemy to Mars, it is not vise versa.

But wait…Hold on .. it’s not the end yet, is it?!

NO, definitely NOT!

Natural relationship is just one part .. In our forth coming posts, we will be seeing temporary relationship and compound relationship to understand how to finalize on friends and enemies in a given horoscope.

Until then, it’s me saying Adieu. Happy reading!!

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