Upagraha – SubPlanets | Vedic Astrology

The word Upagraha means sub planet. Apart from the base 9 planets – Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu – these subplanets are defined. Like Rahu and Ketu (Chaaya Grahas), Upagrahas doesn’t exist physically. In fact, these are particular mathematical points calculated based on Sun’s longitude position.

In this post we are going to cover on the calculations to find the placement of five upagrahas. Later, we can discuss on the effects of Upagrahas in each houses. All the Upagraha mentioned below are malefic in nature.

Here is the list of Upagrahas

Continue reading “Upagraha – SubPlanets | Vedic Astrology”

Vedic Astrology | Planets and their Details

In the last post, we discussed about the planet appearances and how they are related to the human life. This post have some other details which we can correlate with human nature.

The elements of the Hindu astrology has a very close correlation with the nature and the things evolve around us. The elements which man is made of, the nature of the human being , things which we like, the elements which we are surrounded with.

Continue reading “Vedic Astrology | Planets and their Details”

Vedic Astrology – Houses 4 – 6

Lets continue to learn about the remaining houses in vedic astrology.

Fourth House:

Fourth house in vedic astrology denotes mother and assets. When moon is present in the 4th house of the horoscope,  his mother would be blessed with longevity. For buying lands or building houses we may need to look into the fourth house planets or the planets which has association with the fourth house. for example, in a horoscope when Mars is present in the 4th house of the horoscope he would definitely buy land or houses. When same Mars planet is in 9th house, he may get ancestral lands or houses from his Father. Because 9th house denotes Father.

Continue reading “Vedic Astrology – Houses 4 – 6”

Introduction to Vedic Astrology

Astrology is a language. If you understand this language. The sky speaks to you.

There are several incidents which motivated me to learn vedic astrology. Although from text book, vedic astrology is something which evolved from Jyothda sastras, there are so many stories and incidents which emphasise and confirm the existence of vedic astrology several thousand years ago.

We would have seen horoscope of Lord Rama present in several astrology and Ramayana books. Vedic Astrology has deep connection with the events such as birth of Rama, his learning skills, character, exile, reclaiming the throne etc. The dasha and planet positions in the horoscope is said to be accurately matching with his life.

Another example is in Mahabharata. Sahadeva was one of the greatest astrologer who accurately predicted the events happened during the Kurukshetra war. In those days, astrology took a main role before starting any event. The story tells about the event when Sahadeva predicts the day to start the war.

Not only the epics, even astrologies existence are there in Veda Shastras. There are many other stories which relates to vedic astrology. In the forecoming blogs we will cover the stories and its correlation to vedic astrology.

Vedic Astrology not only deals with astronomy, it also deals with many different numeric figures in Mathematics. Lets start our basic lesson.

9 Planets in Vedic Astrology

  • Sun
  • Moon
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Rahu
  • Kethu

Why only 9 planets. Earth is not considered ?

In every vedic astrology book or course, first thing we learn is about 9 planets. Astrology is about belief. There are no right or wrong answers here. We know that astrology is all about the galaxy and movement of planets in circular orbit. When planets move in the circular orbit, we need a point from which we can measure the movement. Which is Earth. Rahu and Ketu are front and back mirrors. We are trying to be on the center of circle(being on earth) and place the predictions based on the movement of planets

What is the correlation between the planets and our Life ?

We have many connections with these planets in our day to day life. First and foremost – Sun. Sunlight is the basic source for all human being. Say Moon, During No moon or Full moon day, we could have seen some people acting very strange and aggressively.

Planets like Uranus, Pluto , Neptune are not considered ?

When they had a mechanism to find out the existence of such planets, Why not neptune or pluto considered in vedic astrology. Did they were not aware of these planet ? No, thats not the case. Saturn is the farthest planet in our list. These planets are even farther than Saturn. Hence, the movement of these planets has very very less significance with human life. That is why, these planets are not there as part of the main list.

Astrology is not just a single subject. It has deep connections with Astronomy, Mathematics, Spirituality and more. Once we start studying about each, hundreds of questions arise. For some we get the answer of our own. Some are still unanswerable. Please feel free to post about the question on Planets and their behaviour in the comments. We will see more about them in the future posts as well.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 21

Sanskrit Text: “Arjuna uvacha : senayor ubhayor madhye ratham sthapaya me acchutha”

Meaning: Arjuna requests Lord Krishna to drive his chariot into center of the two armies

Senayo: – Of the armies  – referring to the armies of Pandavas and Kauravas
Ubhayo – of both
Madhye – in the middle
Ratham – chariot
Sthapaya – stop
Me – My
Acchutha – the infallible

With no intention of fighting against his own kins, Arjuna requests his Sarathi to take him into the center of two armies. But, the question here is why he wants to move into the center of the army?

May be he wants to be a spectator and see what is going on against Pandavas or he is so curious to see the kins and relatives who turned against them.

In this world, we come across the same situation many times, when we have to make a decision and we are so confused on which side we should fall. Only way we can get clarity on situation is by standing in the middle and weighing with the pros and cons of the situation. May be thats what Arjuna is trying to do.

Learning L shaped OLL

There are 6 L shaped OLLs . In that first two can be easily memorized as one is mirror case of another . 

For the faster recognition I always write oll algorithm in notebook with a 2D notation.

First case is pretty easy to recognize. The hyphen in the outer layer denotes the yellow color . And “T” is RUR’U’.

Second case is easy to execute . But for faster recognition it would be easy to memorize it as third diagram. 

Double pawn in Ruy Lopez

Learning of the day :

This is the tactics that I learnt today to eliminate double pawn position while playing as black against Spanish Opening( screenshot given below)

We need to play the move Nge7(knight e7) after white plays bishop b5.

If white decides to capture the knight ,we can win back using the other knight. But , what if white doesnt trade and decides to castle ? By moving knight to e7 we blocked our dark square Bishop and king couldn’t castle.

We can play the move a6 which will threaten white bishop to move back. Now bishop moves back to A4. black plays b5 to put more pressure. White bishop settles in the square B3

As the threat against the knight is eliminated, we can move Knight g6. However , black needs to keep in mind that white is eying on the f7 pawn.

Now black can think about moving his dark square bishop and castle on kings side. And then place light squared bishop to b7.

Played couple of games today with this position and felt comfortable than having double pawn .

Good luck !!!

Running commands in Background and tracking logs

Many of us would have encountered this situation where we need to run some script which takes hours together to complete.

And most of the time the shell goes inactive and it becomes really hard to track what has happened.

One simple solution for that is to run the script in background.\

For example:

./run_my_script.sh &

Oh.. But where are my logs.. Yes, its difficult for us to track what has happened, unless we redirect our output to some specific file .

Anyhow, we have a posix command in linux which can do this stuff. Its nohub.

Checkout the wikipedia link for it here


all you need is to add nohup parameter before your script

nohup run_my_script.sh

Even if the shell goes down, doesnt matter.. We will have the process running in the background. And we can track the logs from nohub.out file . This file will be autocreated in the directory where we ran the script.

Installing Pip in Ubuntu 14.04

For installing python releated packages we need to use pip. Hence installing pip in our server is our first task.

the package name for pip is “python-pip”. Hence the straight forward approach to install pip would be

apt-get install python-pip

But, if the source list is not updated properly , we will end up with older version of pip (in my case i got 1.5.3 however, 8.1.1 is the latest one). Hence to avoid this issue , we need to follow the approach given in wikipedia

i.e  to download the package from internet via this url . Hence we use the curl command

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py

Once get-pip.py gets downloaded. run the python file to install pip

python get-pip.py

Even beyond this, if we need to install pip package without internet .

Download the source from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip

wget https://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=show_md5&digest=6b86f11841e89c8241d689956ba99ed7

extract the folder

tar -xvzf pip-8.1.1.tar.gz

Move inside the folder and install it

cd pip-8.1.1; python setup.py install